Thursday, July 31, 2014

Eat Right for a Healthy Smile

By now we all know a million reasons to eat better – better health, a smaller waistline, increased energy, the list goes on. But did you know some foods can give you a healthier, happier smile?

Timing is Everything
Foods high in sugar, such as soda, candy, and baked goods, easily stick to teeth and form bacteria that promotes tooth decay. Similarly, highly acidic foods – even those that may have other health benefits – such as citrus fruits, wine, and honey, break down tooth enamel.

When it comes to how it impacts oral health, reducing your consumption of sugary or overly acidic foods is beneficial, but not enough. It is best to eat foods that fall into these two categories only as a part of larger meals rather than sporadically throughout the day. In addition to reducing the amount of time your teeth are exposed to sugar and acid, your body will secrete a higher volume of saliva while digesting a larger quantity of food, which helps to wash the harmful elements away faster.

To further reduce the amount of time teeth are exposed to sugar and acid, a quick post-meal swish of water makes a big difference. If you've eaten an acidic food or drink, the American Dental Association recommends waiting at least 30 minutes before brushing your teeth.

One More Reason to Eat Fruits & Veggies
Not surprisingly, the best foods to eat for optimal oral health are also the best foods to eat for overall health – lots of fresh produce! Crisp, crunchy fruits and veggies such as apples, pears, carrots, and celery help to clean existing plaque off of teeth. They are also high in water content which dilutes sugars and acids in the mouth, and promotes saliva production. Additionally, antioxidants and vitamins found in dark leafy greens and berries have been proven to help reduce inflammation in the body, which helps protect against gum disease.

Strong Bones = Strong Teeth
Calcium and certain vitamins, including C and B are essential for building strong bones, promoting cellular growth, and protecting against infection and disease. Milk, cheese, and plain yogurt are all excellent sources of calcium and vitamins, as are meats, nuts and legumes. These foods are naturally low in sugar and also provide phosphorous, which helps to promote the natural process of restoring lost or damaged tooth enamel, through the process of remineralization.

Learn more about how nutrition can impact your oral health or call us at (908) 998-4698 to schedule an appointment!

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