Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Treatment for Headaches, Migraines, TMJ/TMD at Roselle Park Dental

The doctors and staff at Roselle Park Dental have been working closely with leaders at the University of Nevada Las Vegas Dental School to help treat patients with headaches, migraines, and TMJ/TMD. Using the latest, cutting-edge technologies, Roselle Park Dental is able to more accurately and more effectively pin point a patient's problem and reduce, if not relieve, their pain.

Many people suffer from headaches and several people experience debilitating migraines. These symptoms may be caused by changes in one's bite. You may notice a change in your bite after receiving restorative dental care such as fillings, crowns, bridges or implants. As dental work ages, it may break down, causing an imbalance between the muscles and joints. Even as we age ourselves, our muscles and joints change the way they operate. A change in one's bite can also be caused by trauma, such as a car accident or sports injury, or even from receiving orthodontic (braces) care in one's youth.

Research shows that people who have taken more than 600 Tylenol during their lifetime will start to have permanent kidney and liver damage. 600 Tylenol sounds like a lot, but if you are a person who suffers from headaches and migraines every day, the number of pills quickly adds up. Our treatment will help reduce the severity of these pains or stop your headaches and migraines completely, so that you won't have to take medication.

Some people hear clicking, popping or grinding in the joint when they open their mouths to talk, laugh or eat. Some even have pain or a restrictive opening when they try to open their mouth. This may be a sign of aging or possible degeneration (arthritis) in the temporal mandibular joint. We often hear people complain that they wake up in the morning with jaw pain because of clenching or grinding at night. This problem can damage and destroy your teeth and dental work.

At Roselle Park Dental, we are one of the few offices in the country that can help treat people with these symptoms. We help to balance a person's bite by bringing one's teeth, TM joint, and muscles into proper working alignment. When all these three areas are working properly, we call this a balanced bite, which will help you avoid additional future signs and symptoms such as tooth, jaw, head, neck and shoulder pain; ringing or fullness in the ears; headaches; muscle trigger points; and accelerated aging of your teeth and any dental work. We can help slow, even reverse, the degeneration process of the TM joint because this joint is the only one in the body that is made of fibrous cartilage. When the cartilage is damaged, our treatment aids the body in rebuilding the cartilage so the joint can work as it was originally supposed to.

If you are someone or you know someone who suffers from these symptoms, please contact our office at (908) 245-1745 to learn more about our cutting-edge treatment and how we can improve your daily life. You may also visit our website at http://www.roselleparkdental.com.

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