By now, we are all familiar with the health benefits of exercising, but choosing a workout program can be quite daunting. I like to be efficient in everything I do, so I love the idea of shorter, more intense cardiovascular workouts.
How do these speedy efficient workouts work? They are based on a concept called VO2. In layman’s terms, VO2 is your body’s ability to accept oxygen. The quicker you increase your muscle’s oxygen capability, the quicker you will get the results. The concept is based on increasing your heart rate to approximately 90% of its peak capacity and then slowing it back down to just above a resting heart rate. For example, a sprinter will train using this method whereas a marathon runner will run for hours at a slower, more consistent heart rate. A sprinter's workout may consist of sprinting for 30 seconds to 1 minute and then resting for 30 seconds to one minute. As the sprinter gets in better shape, he/she will increase the duration of the sprint and decrease the resting time.
These short workouts, also known as interval training, maximize the high intensity periods and shorten the resting period. Interval training will increase your endurance, lean muscle mass and overall cardiovascular health.
As always, please consult your doctor before starting any workout program and be sure to stop if you don't feel well while working out. Good luck in your quest for total health and wellness!